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By Loren Yadeski
For most parents, choosing the daycare center where they will have to leave their children is one of the most important decisions they will have to make. This is because what the children will encounter in the daycare center can actively influence their development as a child today and as an adult in the future. The three most common types of child daycare center are child care center, child care homes and child care in your own home. As an entrepreneur, you will have to choose one of these for your own daycare center. However, there are other types too that offer more challenge, both on the personal level and as a business manager. With the basic types, you will be handling normal kids with normal needs. But if you want the next level of child care for your business, you can try adopting a program for children with special needs.It is extra challenging and never easy for parents of a child with special needs or disabilities to find a child care institution that can respond to their child’s requirements. Some children really need extra care and help in order to participate in daycare center activities.
They may have to be provided with personalized attention and be guided to participate in activities specially designed and planned for them. Fortunately, there are national and community agencies that offer assistance and more information for parents so they can search and find what they are looking for easily. One such agency is the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY). They have several publications that can help parents as well as you as a daycare center owner for children with special needs. They have resources that can help you find other national organizations. Parents would be glad to know that regardless of their child’s particular disability, they can get in touch and obtain information from the local office of any one of the listed national disabilities organizations like the National Down Syndrome Society, Spina Bifida Association of America, United Cerebral Palsy Association, and Muscular Dystrophy Association. The people behind any of these organizations would generally have information about most of the services that the other organizations offer in their communities. They will be glad to assist you and parents of children with disabilities other than what their group attends to. Child care centers that cater to children with disabilities are covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you decide to take this road with your own daycare center, you will have to contact the US Department of Justice, Public Access Section of the Civil Rights Division for information regarding the ADA’s requirements for daycare centers. They can also provide you with informal guidance on how you can comply with and understand the ADA requirements. As a child daycare center operator, you will have to make an honest assessment of your capability to meet the specific requirement of each child with special needs. You should meet and talk with the children’s parents or guardians, as well as with other professionals. If you thought that including children with special needs in your daycare center is difficult, you are in for a surprise. Most providers have been quite surprised to find out that it wasn’t difficult at all.
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