- Here’s An Opinion On:
- Workplace Info
By Ramya Dilip
In any company it is very important to monitor the employee’s attendance for accurate payroll & discipline.
It is very efficient to have a fingerprint time recorders to track the employees attendance instead of having manual punch card. The biggest advantage of using the fingerprint system is the employees can’t do the buddy punching (making proxy attendance for other employees).
In older days companies are using manual punch card to record the employee’s attendance. In punch card machine employees can easily do the proxy attendance for others. Especially in the companies where there is more overtime involved it is very critical to record the employees IN & OUT time accurately.
Also at the end of the month the payroll officer need to calculate the daily overtime day by day for all the employees. It is very time consuming and lot of manual errors may happen.
Biometric / Fingerprint Reader:
It is very efficient to have fingerprint readers to track the employees attendance instead of having manual punch card. The biggest advantage of using the fingerprint reader is the employees can’t do the buddy punching (making proxy attendance for other employees).
Usually in most of the fingerprint time recorders, Up to 3 fingerprints per employee can be registered. While doing time attendance the employee can use any one of the finger to do clocking. The purpose of registering 3 fingerprints is, if any one finger has problem due to injured / cut / dirty then the employee can use alternative finger for attendance. So it is better to have fingerprint readers with higher capacity. Usually the fingerprint time recorder will have the capacity of 1500 / 3000 / 5000 fingerprint templates.
It takes about one second to verify the employee finger, once verified the employee id, Date & time will be recorded into the device internal memory. Also it is good to have a device which can store more records. In general most of the finger scanner devices can store 20,000 / 30,000 / 50,000 records. Once the records reach the limit the new record will automatically overwrite the very first record. Those records can be downloaded to the Time Attendance Software via built-in Network card or via Thumb Drive.
Time Attendance Software:
Information from fingerprint time recorder can be transferred to the Time Attendance Software which will calculate the useful information like Lateness, Overtime, allowances, etc…
Usually the time attendance software will have the option to create multiple shift patterns like morning shift, afternoon shift, night shift, etc…
Good software should come with nicely designed useful reports like Daily attendance report, Individual attendance report, consolidated reports which consolidates the late comers, Early Leavers, Absents & missed out punching, Lateness summary report and Working hour’s summary report.
The working hour summary report usually will have the monthly lateness, early leaving & overtime worked by the employees. This summary report is very much good enough to calculate the employees overtime pay together with the salary.
It is good to have a biometric fingerprint time recorder for employee attendance monitoring which enables fast & efficient payroll calculation.
About the Author:
Biometric Attendance | Biometric Time Attendance | Time Attendance System Biometric Reader | Biometric Time Recorder | Biometric Scanner Time attendance | time management software | Attendance Software
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