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Four new breeds in the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Tuesday, February 12, 2008 This year, four breeds of dogs are competing for the first time in the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, at Madison Square Garden in New York City, United States. The new breeds making their Westminister debuts this year, are the Plott, a hunting hound originally bred by two German immigrant brothers […]

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New Zealand airlines relax knife regulations

Saturday, October 1, 2005 New Zealand has relaxed the safety rules imposed on internal airlines in 2002, once more allowing passengers to carry pocket knives with blades less than 60mm long and knitting needles. Other larger items remain banned, including ice-skates, pool cues, hockey sticks, skateboards, cricket bats and harpoons. Other countries more at risk […]

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Slovenia adopts euro

Monday, January 1, 2007File:Bruselj euro slovenia.jpg On January 1 2007, Slovenia officially joined the Eurozone and adopted the euro as its new official currency. At the same time, Slovenian euro coins, which were available as a “starter kit” from December 15, became legal tender everywhere in the Eurozone. A period of dual circulation, when both […]

Posted in It Services

Complete It Services And Outsourcing

Here’s An Opinion On: Richard Light Interactive It Complete IT Services and Outsourcing by Valencia08 Viking IT offers experienced computer support for your business. Rely on 25 years of computer experience in IT strategic planning, management, computer hardware and software implementation and computer support services for your business. Monthly support plans are available which include […]

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Dairy cattle with names produce more milk, according to new study

Thursday, January 29, 2009 Giving a cow a name and treating her as an individual with “more personal touch” can increase milk production, so says a scientific research published in the online “Anthrozoos,” which is described as a “multidisciplinary journal of the interactions of people and animals”. The Newcastle University‘s School of Agriculture, Food and […]

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Possible first case of mad cow disease in Sweden

Wednesday, March 1, 2006 A suspected case of BSE, better known as mad cow disease, has been discovered in Sweden at a farm near Västerås some 80 kilometres west of Stockholm. The affected farm has been quarantined and no ruminants from the farm are allowed to be sold or transported. The cow was destroyed earlier […]

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Tom Cruise orders €14,500 takeaway meal

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 Tom Cruise this week took the delivery service to a whole new level. Celebrating his 43rd birthday with numerous guests at a party in the USA, Cruise decided to call up his three favorite chefs, all living in Italy, to prepare a meal. Cruise decided to fly all three chefs out […]

Posted in Plastic Surgery

Quick Weight Loss Ideas

Here’s An Opinion On: Best Hair Doctor In Manhattan By Steve Cow When it comes to quick weight loss, you need to know that there are a lot of things that you need to take into account. This is not something that you can just take lightly especially if you are aiming for a drastic […]

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Wikinews interviews Democratic candidate for the Texas 6th congressional district special election Daryl Eddings, Sr’s campaign manager

Tuesday, April 20, 2021 Wikinews extended invitations by e-mail on March 23 to multiple candidates running in the Texas’ 6th congressional district special election of May 1 to fill a vacancy left upon the death of Republican congressman Ron Wright. Of them, the office of Democrat Daryl Eddings, Sr. agreed to answer some questions by […]

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CIA Director confirms use of waterboarding on terror suspects

Wednesday, February 6, 2008 The director of the Central Intelligence Agency has confirmed that his agency used the extreme interrogation technique known as waterboarding on three terrorism suspects nearly five years ago. In testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday, Michael Hayden urged lawmakers not to place restrictions on the interrogation methods available to […]